
16 Months

This little guy is no longer a baby at all.  He is walking around, sometimes running, and getting into everything.  Of course our cell phones are still his favorites, but he can often be found playing with real tools, tv remotes, taking clothes out of the dryer, opening and closing doors, unraveling toilet paper rolls, emptying the kitchen cabinets and pantry, and trying his hardest to get his fingers on our laptop.  He signs "more" and "all done", says mama, dada, and hello.  He babbles like crazy and understand us very well.  The last couple of days I've asked where something is and he will go get it for me.  Adam loves to go for walks and knock on our neighbors' doors.  He also loves being chased.  He sleeps 7 to 7 and still naps twice a day usually.  I'm thinking he might start to transition to one nap a day but I will take two a day for as long as I can!  Adam will eat anything but LOVES watermelon right now.  He is such a delight and continues to make us smile all the time.  Love you munchkin!


Ashley said...

Love you buddy! Happy 16 month birthday!

Aaron said...

Getting so big! I can't wait to see you, Dan, and him now that I'm back in SLC!