
14 Months

Adam turned 14 months old on Sunday.  I love this stage that he is in.  He loves to throw things over the side of the couch and then climb up to get them.  Or he throws toys between our mattress and the end of our bedframe and then gets down on the ground to get them from under the bed.  He walks holding our hand and will stand for a couple seconds by himself.  He jibber jabbers a lot but we're pretty sure he says mama, dada, go, car, ball, and hi.  He is still on a great sleeping schedule: sleeps 7-7 at night and naps 9-11 and 2-4.  He loves to jump in his bed still and he is so playful when we go get him after his naps.  He is an awesome eater and wants to try whatever dad is eating- ribs and wings are a favorite already.  He is a solid boy weighing about 27 lbs. We adore him and have so much fun with him.  We love you little buddy!

Playing in the pool

Going to get my phone

Going after a lawnmower across the street

Trying to escape- I'm going to have to leave the deadbolt locked because he got the door open!


Wendy said...

What a cute boy! He looks so big....can't wait to see him again!

Erin said...

Oh I can't wait to play with him either! Love that swimsuit!