
Visit from Grandma & Grandpa

Dan's parents spent the week with us visiting from Connecticut.  They got Adam a toy car which he loves!  We went to Hogle Zoo...we'll have to take Adam back in a couple months because he wasn't too interested in the animals yet.  We also got to spend time eating out and catching up with a lot of family friends.  We also ventured out to Antelope Island one afternoon to see the Great Salt Lake.  I wouldn't recommend doing that with a tired toddler who won't nap in the car but the views were pretty.  Thanks for a fun week Grandma & Grandpa!


BECKY said...

so fun! and i love weddings too!

Erin said...

sounds like a fun trip! Cute pics of Adam + his grandparents + Dan!

Ashley said...

I love the picture of him in his hat on dan's shoulders! And I'm sorry I missed Wendy and Howie!