
Meet Inchy

Adam likes his caterpillar that Dan named "Inchy". It is cute to watch him wrestle with him. Oh and Adam got his first haircut. He looks so much older now!


Ashley said...

Hahahaha! "Inchy"? That's cute. My favorite was, "Heeeeere's MR CATERPILLAR!"

Erin said...

hahahaha - i imagine you saying "inchy" in that voice.
and his haircut is adorable. look at his big blue eyes and he is being a good boy with his binky in his mouth. miss you all.

Kim said...

I love the hair cut! what a stud! Must take after his 14908282374 million blonde Aunts :)

BECKY said...

love the name!
DON'T love that you cut his hair!!! i loved that fro!

Heidi said...

I also miss his hair!! But he is SOOOOOO cute! PLEASE bring him down here!

Meg said...

haha erin i said "inchy" in "the voice" and it made me laugh :) kim- adam is already getting very anxious to see you...he told me that today :) and becky- i know i'm sad we cut his hair too but he was getting seriously bald in the back and it looked ridiculous so it just had to be done. it will grow back though and hopefully more evenly!

Sara said...

Aw, he is so big already! It will be so much fun to see him in December. (And you guys too!) He looks handsome with the new cut!