
Sunday Afternoon Drive

Adam needed to take a nap this afternoon, Dan wanted to listen to his audio book, and I wanted to get out of the house so we drove to Mona to check out the lavender fields. It was a win-win for everyone except when we stopped the car...Adam didn't like that very much. Oh and don't mind his hair- Dan styled it this morning!


Erin said...

oh thats not a happy face.

The Caple Crew said...

Haha, his hair is awesome!!!

Kim said...

is he crying because Dan did his hair?

Meg said...

@kim- i think so! he didn't like how he styled it :)

Meg said...

@kim- i think so! he didn't like how he styled it :)

Mutation's Cantation said...

is that blue in that baby's hair? whoa, pretty lavender fields. ive never been there.