At two months old Adam weighs 13 lbs. 12 oz. and is 24 3/4 inches tall which puts him in the 95th and 90th percentile. He is our little hungry hungry hippo. He loves to try to get his fist in his mouth to suck on. He is starting to smile more and talk to us. We can't wait to hear him laugh and play with us more. He is sleeping usually about 6-7 hours in the night. Hopefully that will get longer so I get more uninterrupted sleep. He hasn't lost any of his hair and it is only growing longer, especially on his right side. He is adorable though and we get comments from people everywhere we go on his hair and how cute he is. He doesn't take a binky. He loves to look at the lights and anything with white/black contrast. He still loves to be held out but he is starting to fall asleep on our chests too so we get to snuggle him a little more. He has met all of his family now except for Uncle Bubba! (come visit please :) We just love him and are excited and anxious to watch him grow and develop even more.
2 Months
At two months old Adam weighs 13 lbs. 12 oz. and is 24 3/4 inches tall which puts him in the 95th and 90th percentile. He is our little hungry hungry hippo. He loves to try to get his fist in his mouth to suck on. He is starting to smile more and talk to us. We can't wait to hear him laugh and play with us more. He is sleeping usually about 6-7 hours in the night. Hopefully that will get longer so I get more uninterrupted sleep. He hasn't lost any of his hair and it is only growing longer, especially on his right side. He is adorable though and we get comments from people everywhere we go on his hair and how cute he is. He doesn't take a binky. He loves to look at the lights and anything with white/black contrast. He still loves to be held out but he is starting to fall asleep on our chests too so we get to snuggle him a little more. He has met all of his family now except for Uncle Bubba! (come visit please :) We just love him and are excited and anxious to watch him grow and develop even more.
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adorable video!!!
He has such an adorable little personality! I love little baby noises :) You're in the really fun stage of babyhood now.
cant wait to wrestle!!
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