Adam is 3 weeks old here. He is pretty much on a 3 hour feeding schedule with a four hour stretch usually in the night. Although he is starting to have more awake time which is fine during the day but not so fun at 3 in the morning. We introduced him to a bottle for the first time at three weeks and he took it well so Dan can help feed him too now. Adam loves to have his arms and legs free so we don't swaddle him anymore. He has been to the bank drive thru, the library drive thru, the doctor's office, Texas Roadhouse, church, BYU, The Old Spaghetti Factory, the Lactation clinic, and the Peterson's house. He seems to like going in the car once we're actually driving. We've been out for a walk twice and he seems to like that too. He is really a very calm baby. I hope he keeps that up. At his two week checkup he had to get some blood work done and he got circumcised. I started to cry when they only pricked his heel so I left for the circumcision but Dan was with him. Adam slept for 5 hours straight afterwards- poor baby! He has peed on both Dan and I while getting his diaper changed but that is to be expected with a little boy, right? Dan has given him a bath twice now and Adam loves it. He doesn't cry at all and his hair is so fluffy afterwards! At his two week checkup he weighed 8 lbs. 6 oz and was 22 inches long. So he is definitely growing and starting to get a little chubby in his cheeks, chin, and tummy. What a huge change it is having a baby! It isn't always easy but it is worth it. Adam is so sweet and we fall more and more in love with him everyday!
He looks so sweet and peaceful....I can't wait to see all of you and hold baby Adam.
that's a lot of man leg i was showing off there.....what was i thinking?
Dad! Crazy to see that. I can't believe you guys are parents! He is insanely adorable!! You guys are doing such an awesome job. We will be recruiting you to help us. Can't wait to join you and just have play dates all the time.
I love that sweet face, he's so cute! And his HAIR! I'm sure you hear it a lot but he is super darling Meg!
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