
When will Baby Boy arrive????

Let us know your guess by voting just to the right. Baby Boy is at 37 weeks today which is full term. So it could possibly be anytime now....are we ready though?- that is the real question!


Mutation's Cantation said...

7th of april is my exact guess. goood luck!

Erin said...

April 3rd, I've been saying it all along- Little Baby Posner!!!

BECKY said...

i think two more weeks. the term full term means nothing about when the baby should come... it isn't until after your due date that you can say anything about them coming out late in my opinion!

Melissa Esplin said...

i officially submit my guess of April 3rd between conference sessions.

Dan said...

April 6th. That way I can take off Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday :)

Emme said...

APRIL 8th! Then we can be birthday twinners!