
A Few Things

I am home from work today not because I am sick but because Dan and I aren't driving our cars today. We are switching our car insurance and didn't realize until yesterday that one policy ended as of last night and our new policy doesn't start until tomorrow. We thought of all days today would be the day one of us would get in an accident or something so we would play it safe. He got a ride with a coworker to a work. I don't live close to any of my coworkers so I'm having a "sick" day. Lucky me! I have a long list of things I want to get done today around the house. Of course I'm already procrastinating though and thought our blog really needed an update.

So as of late Dan has been busy with work and basketball. He is both playing and coaching. We found a new show on Netflix that we have been way into. It is called Castle. We've been to a BYU basketball game and a UVU wrestling match. I've been working and getting stuff ready for baby boy. My mom was here last weekend so we did a lot of measuring for sewing projects. I've been given a lot of hand-me-down clothes which has been awesome. It is amazing how little some of the socks and clothes are! I got some sample diapers in the mail too and couldn't believe how teeny they were. I am starting a book club with my neighbor in February and I am also taking sewing classes in February. So I have some fun things coming up.

As for my pregnancy I am in my third trimester now- this week is 29 weeks. My second trimester was such a breeze, I feel very lucky. And I am still feeling great. I am starting to feel a little heavy though. Rolling over in bed is definitely a task. After sitting at work for a while I'm pretty sure I waddle as I first start walking. I love feeling baby boy kick and seeing it now too. I start birthing classes in February which I am both excited and scared for. Excited because we sure have a lot to learn! And scared because I think it will make this all that much more real- I am going to have to be in labor and there is only one way for pregnancy to end! I've been assured though that I will be so ready for pregnancy to be over that I will really just want to get it over with. I haven't had any weird cravings. I just get hungry often. Dan often asks when we're going to bed if I'm sure I don't need a Whopper because he would be glad to run to Burger King and get us some :) I have yet to want a Whopper but one of these nights I'll have to send him out on a late-night burger run just so he can say he did it.

That is my update for now- Happy Tuesday and don't be too jealous of my home-from-work-because-we-don't-have-car-insurance-day!


BECKY said...

hope you were super productive!

does baby boy have a name yet?

Meg said...

No name yet! We aren't going to decide on one until we meet him :)

Sara said...

It's always so nice to have an unexpected day off. :) Way to stay busy, too - you are one cool woman! :)

Mutation's Cantation said...

cute preggo lady

The Caple Crew said...

He can grab me a whopper! haha!
wow, I can't believe you are in your 3rd trimester already! That has gone by SO FAST!

Ashley said...

i don't have life insurance. does that mean i don't have to leave my bed?