
Dan's Creative Outlet

Dan has started playing with Play-Doh when he gets home from work to relieve some stress. Okay just kidding...he did last week though one day when we watched our neighbor's boys. They are 3 and 2 and wanted to play with Play-Doh. It kept them occupied for a while and they loved it...and so did Dan! Look at what he made and don't mind the picture quality- I took this with my phone. He is so creative!


Wendy said...

Real cute...glad he is using his artistic talents!

Aaron said...

haha That's awesome. Gumby and Pokey rock.

BECKY said...

I'm incredibly impressed!

Ashley said...

whoa!! I didn't know dan could do claymation so well! i grew up watching gumpy and pokey!

Kait said...

Hahah. Oh I love this. Great work Dan!! This makes me miss you guys a lot.

Mutation's Cantation said...

that is aaaahhhh mazing.