
Baby Shower Treat

My darling friend Jessica is expecting her first boy in just a couple weeks. We threw a baby shower for her about a week ago and I did all the food for it which got me all excited...because it gave me a good excuse to make these cute little treat bags. I found the bags at the dollar store in a package of 12. I needed enough for about 30 so only spent $3 on the bags. They were really easy to fold up. I stuck a little tissue paper that I already had in each one, stuck on a label I made, and filled them with caramel popcorn that I bought at Target (if I was really cool I would have made my own). I needed two bags and they were $3 each. So for $9 I made 36 bags...and I'm pretty sure it was my most favorite thing I did all week :) Congrats again Jess and can't wait for your little "bean" to arrive!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Those are beautiful, Meg. Which program did you use to make the labels? And where were you for my shower?! Move East already!