
Memorial Day in Dallas

While in Dallas for Memorial Day we ate yummy BBQ ribs, played at the pool, drank "real" Dr. Pepper, ate at Whataburger, went to a baseball game, and watched Ed eat a whole bowl of Pistachio Jello salad (ok not really the whole bowl, he just licked it clean!) We had a fabulous time visiting family! Thanks for the fun weekend Heidi and Sean and thanks for driving down from Oklahoma Kim and Ed!

I love them muscles! haha

It was HOT...if you like the heat Texas is the place to be!

Ah...so good!

So I didn't actually get a burger at Whataburger but I did get a chocolate shake...what did you expect?

Dan was the popular one with the kids, they always wanted to hold his hand or sit by him!

Everyone at the baseball game!

He has the cutest curls, not sure where they came from though!



BECKY said...

Looks like such a fun trip. And my word you guys have been bizzay!!! Can't wait to see some new pics and hear all about your house!

Wendy said...

So glad you are actively blogging again. Love the pics...especially the one of Ed.

The Caple Crew said...

How are you loving your new house?!!

Don't you just love how the kids love him? MY nieces and nephews are the same with Sheldon! haha!