I learned tonight that these are not the same vegetable. I love sweet potato fries and am happy to see them on so many more menus. I saw in a magazine an easy recipe for them and decided I'd give it a try since I'm trying to be more adventurous in my cooking life....my sweet tooth does not easily get a tasty home-cooked meal on the dinner every night. While at the grocery store I couldn't find sweet potatoes but did find sweet yams and they looked the same so I figured they were. Mistake number one. After cutting the potatoes into wedges I followed the recipe and covered each in a egg white and seasoning mixture. After baking them for 7 minutes I went to flip them over and exclaimed "oh no, the egg on each of them is getting cooked" and Dan asked what happened. Mistake number two...although it was what the recipe called for...(and Dan laughed at me for using that expression.) Long story short, they weren't good, and I will continue to order sweet potato fries from Guru's and Purple Turtle and won't mistake a sweet potato for a yam again.
Gotta love dinner disasters. :) I had one the other week with chicken and dumplings. I wasted SOOOOOOOOOO much time making the most disgusting meal!!!
As for moving... it's not in the plans yet. Unless you've got a great job offer for me; we just have no idea how we'd make ends meet.
I love making sweet potato fries. I just cut them into wedges, or skinnier to look like fries, brush them with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper on both sides. They're really good with a little rosemary on them as well. Sometimes I flip them over, sometimes I don't and they turn out great. Good luck next time.
That's hilarious. I can say that because most of my attempts to emmulate Martha Stewart end in similar disasters. ("But I am following this recipe exactly - what is going wrong?!?!?")
Also funny because I have been trying to figure out the difference between Yam(s?) and sweet potatoes for years and have alwayd been told - even by grocery store clerks - that there is no difference. So thanks for working that out for humanity. And try Trader Joe's for the fries. :)
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