
Saturday Night Adventures

This has been our night so far:

1. A pep talk for Erin (my sister) before her date
2. A little bit of waxing for both Dan and I at Ingrid's Salon Boutique
3. A split second decision to cross four lanes on I-15 to get off the exit for the Harley Davidson Restaurant which was actually pretty cool
4. A cruise on State Street including a stop at Downeast Outfitters for some sweet purchases
5. A stop at Redbox to get The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and a gallon of milk (mostly because we love to drink chocolate milk)
6. A second viewing of the end of Yankees/Phillies game along with any/all highlights shown on any/all television station...although I don't mind this because I love to see AJ Burnett throw a pie in his teammate's faces

I love hanging out with my hubby.


The Caple Crew said...

so....what exactly is Dan waxing.....?

Meg said...

just the back of his neck :)

Greg said...

I can't believe you put out in public that Dan went waxing.

Meg said...

he's pretty confident in his manliness so he has nothing to hide...especially not the back of neck :)