I started my Saturday off today with a trip to Costco. And I loved it! It may have had something to do with the samples but really it was the first time I felt it was worth shopping there. When single, I certainly didn't need to buy anything in bulk and living in DC with roomates meant no storage space so I never shopped there. But now I think I'll go once a month so I can stop going to the grocery store every week if not more. And grocery shopping is definitely one of my least favorite things to do, right up there with drying my hair and filling my car up with gas. Anyway, this will require more meal planning on my part but will be worth it. Costco I love you and will return!
I love Costco free samples. It's great to go there around lunch time and just fill up on the samples.
I seriously love costco! Just wait until the coupon book comes. I maybe get a little too excited to use my coupons at Costco.
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